Strawberries are High in Antioxidants
You've heard it before, but a diet high in vegetables and fruits can help you combat cardiovascular disease, cancer, and prevent or delay the onset of many of the effects of aging. Research at the USDA 's Agricultural Research Service at Lane, OK suggests that the high antioxidant levels in strawberries can help neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals in your system, while helping your body to repair its tissues by giving you an added boost of vitamin C.
A serving of strawberries will provide you with 210 mg of potassium, a mineral that will help regulate the electrolytes in your body, lowering your risk of heart attack and stroke. Strawberries are also high in folate, a key ingredient in the manufacture of red blood cells, and a possible aid in delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
Strawberries are Packed with Vitamins and Minerals
Strawberries are Packed with Vitamins and Minerals
Rounding out the roster of beneficial vitamins and minerals of note are B2, B5, B6, vitamin K, copper, and magnesium. Strawberries also contain omega fatty acids. All of this goodness is available to you at a cost of 45 calories for about seven medium strawberries. And not only that, but the fiber in strawberries, about 12% of your RDA per serving, helps your body absorb nutrients, inhibits the production of cholesterol in your liver, and helps stabilize your blood glucose.
The Best Way to Serve Strawberries for Your Health
Although strawberries can be included in all manner of salads, appetizers, and desserts, to get the best benefit, eat them raw. As they contain a full day's supply of vitamin C per serving when raw, including a few strawberries with your morning cereal will be doing your body big favor, at very little cost to your waistline.
Fresh strawberries can be easily puréed in a blender and included with plain yogurt or fat-free milk for a refreshing and healthful drink. You can also simply eat sliced strawberries that have been allowed to macerate with a little artificial sweetener as a refreshing dessert.
The Best Way to Store Strawberries
The best way to store strawberries is out of their plastic grocery bag and in a roomy container that has been sealed with plastic wrap or a tight fitting lid. Don't wash strawberries before refrigerating them, as exposure to moisture will promote mildew. If possible, leave the stems and caps on until you are ready to prepare them. Strawberries are best if eaten within four days of purchase. Although modern strawberry varieties are resistant to bruising, locally grown crops are still likely to be fresher, less damaged, and more flavorful.
Strawberries are a tasty treat, but they are also good for you. They are free of saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium, naturally sweet, and low in calories. Adding them to your diet is a painless way to start eating for your health.
Also, it is recommended to see:
C helps patients control their blood pressure
5 stress-fighting
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