
Showing posts with label Children's World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children's World. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Richard Ramsey king of Digital Photography - 2

At the first glance you may think that these amazing pictures were made by paint and brush but these are art of Digital Photography and creatures of Richard Ramsey, the king of this art.
Ramsey demonstrates a method he's developed and fine tuned over the years to create a very pleasing effects like pencil sketch,... Like a cooking recipe, digital art methods like this one are subject to interpretation by the chef, who may chose to deviate from the original steps by adding his/her own embellishments, ingrediants and/or spices in order to achieve a unique result.
I prefer his portraits that he made about children and babies. Look at them and enjoy.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Richard Ramsey king of Digital Photography - 1

At the first glance you may think that these amazing pictures were made by paint and brush but these are art of Digital Photography and creatures of Richard Ramsey, the king of this art.
Ramsey demonstrates a method he's developed and fine tuned over the years to create a very pleasing effects like pencil sketch,... Like a cooking recipe, digital art methods like this one are subject to interpretation by the chef, who may chose to deviate from the original steps by adding his/her own embellishments, ingrediants and/or spices in order to achieve a unique result.
I prefer his portraits that he made about children and babies. Look at them and enjoy.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Combating childhood obesity may start in the womb

children whose mothers developed diabetes while pregnant are at increased risk of being overweight by age 11, a new study shows.
The study also found that children born to obese mothers are more likely to have a weight problem than children born to lean mothers.
“The best advice is to get lean and fit before you get pregnant,” Dr. Lois Jovanovic of the Sansum Diabetes Research Institute in Santa Barbara, California, who was not involved in the study, told Reuters Health.
Earlier this week, First Lady Michelle Obama launched an action plan to combat childhood obesity. Number one in the list of recommendations was the need to stress the importance of starting a pregnancy at a healthy weight and maintaining a healthy weight throughout.
The new study, Jovanovic said, offers elegantly measured data to support this recommendation. “In order to prevent obesity in the next generation we have to do a whole lot for women in their childbearing years,” she said.
Diabetes that develops during pregnancy when there is no history of the disease is called gestational diabetes. Up to 8 percent of pregnant women will develop gestational diabetes. Being overweight, when combined with the “right” genes, is an important risk factor.
children born to mothers with gestational diabetes are often heavier at birth than children born to mothers without pregnancy-related diabetes. In the current study, Dr. Sandra Hummel and colleagues at the Technical University of Munich, Germany set out to determine the impact of mom's gestational diabetes and weight status on the child's risk of being overweight in childhood and becoming “insulin resistant” -- a precursor to full blown diabetes.
They examined data from two large German studies involving 1,420 children born between 1989 and 2000. Two hundred thirty-two children were born to mothers with gestational diabetes, 757 to mothers with Type 1, or “insulin-dependent,” diabetes and 431 to non-diabetic mothers. Blood samples and body measurements were taken several times until the children were 14 years old.
The researchers found that mother's weight early in pregnancy was the strongest predictor of her child's overweight status and resulting insulin resistance.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Reading Books to Babies (part2)

When and How to Read
Here's a great thing about reading aloud: It doesn't take special skills or equipment, just you, your baby, and some books. Read aloud for a few minutes at a time, but do it often. Don't worry about finishing entire books — focus on pages that you and your baby enjoy.
Try to set aside time to read every day — perhaps before naptime and bedtime.
 In addition to the pleasure that cuddling your baby before bed gives both of you, you'll also be making life easier by establishing a routine. This will help to calm your baby and set expectations about when it's time to sleep.
It's also good to read at other points in the day. Choose times when your baby is dry, fed, and alert. Books also come in handy when you're stuck waiting, so have some in the diaper bag to fill time sitting at the doctor's office or standing in line at the grocery store.
Here are some additional reading tips:
• Cuddling while you read helps your baby feel safe, warm, and connected to you.
• Read with expression, pitching your voice higher or lower where it's appropriate or using different voices for different characters.
• Don't worry about following the text exactly. Stop once in a while and ask questions or make comments on the pictures or text. ("Where's the kitty? There he is! What a cute black kitty.") Your child might not be able to respond yet, but this lays the groundwork for doing so later on.
• Sing nursery rhymes, make funny animal sounds, or bounce your baby on your knee — anything that shows that reading is fun.
• Babies love — and learn from — repetition, so don't be afraid of reading the same books over and over. When you do so, repeat the same emphasis each time as you would with a familiar song.
• As your baby gets older, encourage him or her to touch the book or hold sturdier vinyl, cloth, or board books. You don't want to encourage chewing on books, but by putting them in his or her mouth, your baby is learning about them, finding out how books feel and taste — and discovering that they're not edible!
What to Read
Books for babies should have simple, repetitive text and clear images.
 During the first few months of life, your child just likes to hear your voice, so you can read almost anything, especially books with a sing-song or rhyming text. As your baby gets more interested in looking at things, choose books with simple pictures against solid backgrounds.
Once your baby begins to grab, read vinyl or cloth books with faces, bright colors, and shapes. When your baby begins to respond to what's inside of books, add board books with pictures of babies or familiar objects like toys. When your child begins to do things like sit up in the bathtub or eat finger foods, find simple stories about daily routines like bedtime or bathtime. When talking starts, choose books that invite babies to repeat simple words or phrases.
Books with mirrors and different textures (crinkly, soft, scratchy) are also great for this age group, as are fold-out books that can be propped up, or books with flaps that open for a surprise. Board books make page turning easier for infants and vinyl or cloth books can go everywhere — even the tub. Babies of any age like photo albums with pictures of people they know and love. And every baby should have a collection of nursery rhymes!
One of the best ways you can ensure that your little one grows up to be a reader is to have books around your house. When your baby is old enough to crawl over to a basket of toys and pick one out, make sure some books are included in the mix.
In addition to the books you own, take advantage of those you can borrow from the library. Many libraries have storytime just for babies, too. Don't forget to pick up a book for yourself while you're there.
Reading for pleasure is another way you can be your baby's reading role model.

Also it is recommended to see:
Kids in future clothes

Monday, May 28, 2012

Reading Books to Babies (part1)

Why Read to My Baby?
You may wonder about the benefits of reading to your baby. Clearly an infant can't understand what you're doing or why. But you wouldn't wait until your child could understand what you were saying before you started speaking to him or her, right? And you wouldn't bypass lullabies until your baby could carry a tune or wait until he or she could shake a rattle before you offered any toys.
Reading aloud to your baby is a wonderful shared activity you can continue for years to come — and it's an important form of stimulation.
Reading aloud:

• teaches a baby about communication
• introduces concepts such as numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way
• builds listening, memory, and vocabulary skills
• gives babies information about the world around them

Believe it or not, by the time babies reach their first birthday they will have learned all the sounds needed to speak their native language. The more stories you read aloud, the more words your child will be exposed to and the better he or she will be able to talk. Hearing words helps to imprint them on a baby's brain.
Kids whose parents frequently talk/read to them know more words by age 2 than children who have not been read to. And kids who are read to during their early years are more likely to learn to read at the right time.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kids in future clothes

No body knows its future but all of us chose a job when we were a children, although most of us don't reach our childhood wishes but a few can reach this wish. These children imagined their future job, too.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Children's World - 14

This is world of innocence and beauty, yes world of children. They are sweet and attractive.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Children's World - 13

Do you know what secret is behind of children that attract us? I always love to hug and kiss babies and make fun with them... what a beautiful world is their world...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The next Miss Worlds

These very nice girls are future miss world. If I was authorities of Miss World, I would choose them as Miss World because they have beauty and innocence at the same time.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Children's World - 11

Beautiful, innocence and happiness is meaning of children's world. See, these very beautiful pictures from children's world and enjoy.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Children's World - 10

Children means innocence, beauty, kindness. You can see that every children from different kind of nations are very attractive.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Children's World - 9

If we kept our childhood innocence, how could be very beautiful this world. Even everything around children is beautiful, isn't it? I remember childhood of my siblings, every time that I was tired, I spent couple of minutes with them and after that I could achieve a good energy, so get a good every by watching these beautiful pictures.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Children's World - 8

Children's world has every beautiful things such as innocence, beauty, sense of freshness, kindness, ...even animals' kids are beautiful like humans children. Even children's pictures are laughing but in a positive way, so don't hesitate to check nice pictures of this post.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Children's World - 7

Children in every part of world, from every nations are beautiful, in this post I put some very beautiful photos from different nations even some Muslim kids. Look at them carefully and thanks God for creating such beautiful scenes.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Children's World - 6

In this post I put some beautiful and funny pictures from children's world, do you ever think why children are attractive? Why by their laugh we laugh and with their sadness we will sad, too?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Children's World - 5

As I enunciated before children's world is very attractive because of their innocence and beauty, even most cruel people will be happy by watching them, so as a rest and for being happy I put some of their pictures as below. See them and write a comment as a feedback.

Possibly new born Muslim girl

hello world, I just arrived!

I'm hungry, give me something to eat.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Children's World - 4

Children are always attractive because of their beauty and innocence. Keep yourself fresh and happy by playing with them.

 natural chair

Yo ha ha ha

Impossible mission